
June 2022

This includes the last of the planned features for version 3. The next few months will now be focused on bug fixes and polishing so monthly updates will no longer be provided. Instead, we will be moving to per-version changelog updates.

Training System
Add check-ins system. This allows coaches to create custom forms for athletes to complete on a schedule.
Form Builder with drag and drop support
Schedule System and email templates
Limit Emails per-coach to 10,000 with the ability to buy more
Chartable form data with custom colours, multiple axis, and full filtering
Athlete record display and retrospective editing

Rebuild Calendar
Change scaling options to display as a list in a modal rather than in the main section
Major version flutter update - remove deprecations

May 2022

Only the check-in system remains for this version so a lot of work has been done starting the polishing process. This has mostly been a lot of deprecated code removal and work on the frontend cleanup should begin in July.

Training System
Rewrite complex scaling system to properly support group sessions. This involved a hefty rewrite of the entire RelationController, SessionController, and frontend/app.

April 2022

Training System
Add multiple workzone selections for complex complexes
Backwards compatability for app version 1.1.3 fixes
Fix duplicate by weeks function
Add scaled complexes
Change exercise movement patterns to more closely follow searchable parameters
Add new timer system for coaches to precisely specify timings in a complex/session

Migrate to null safety
Add multiple workzone support
Add new timers
Add scaled complexes support
Remove rounds, duration, and complex exercise descriptions

March 2022

Fix signup error messages to give clearer feedback to the customer
Fix default design selections for new coaches

Training System
Fix issue with DB engine incorrectly assigning IDs Fix group training records appearing on Athlete's record with incorrect information
Change note creation for group sessions to only create on completing training session
Create new RelationController to specifically support the advanced interactions required in the User and Group records
Move all Exercise Sessions related to Users to their own Models with mutable attributes
Add complexity filter
Add pivot_id support to api GET/POST requests (in addition to timestamp). Eg, api calls such as /api/training/exercise_session/{id}/{timestamp} can now be made via /api/training/exercise_session/{id}/pivot/{pivot_id}
Change movement filter search to isometric and dynamic
Add in "Athlete's View" system for coaches looking at Exercise Sessions
Fix video display Remove rounds from complex exercise workloads
Many bug fixes such as, fix exercise description margins, fix notes display, fix notes duplication, fix per-exercise workload calculation, fix missing relation ids, fix vue errors in goals page, fix migration missing isLandlord method, etc.

Signup System
Update OrderByDistance function for athletes wanting to find a coach
Fix Stripe webhooks that send multiple plan information

February 2022

Base System
Fix language deprecations ready for next major version.

Classes System
Fix deferred bindings for booking groups
Update scheduling system ready for UX change to managing through the calendar view, not the list view

Training System
Major rewrite for the programming management system with new features including but not limited to Scaled Complexes, Complex Simple Exercise List (as an alternative to the complicated regular Exercise List which has now been renamed), Exercise Movements and search filters, archiving of Complexes to clean up lists, per-user/group complex worktimes, rpes, and coach notes, changed rounds and round duration to a more sensible place, meal planning reorganisation and deferred binding fixes, frontend rewrite with new version of Vue, and the ability to update Exercise Sessions after they've been created without having to leave the Users page.

January 2022

Base System
Rewrite all lists and forms to make vernacular more staightforward.
Build a "New User" system to greatly improve the initial experience. Now, the system operates fully from the main User's dashboard (though still relies on the backend CMS so can be seen as a stop-gap between now and version 4). Additionally, all sections that need additional explanations have dismissable hints. All major sections have an introductory popup to explain all the features and facilities that that part controls.

December 2021

Base System
Added Help system. This will be added to in the coming weeks but will be the central area where staff/owners can find answers to common questions while using the system.
Added staff logins, not just coaches.
Completely redesigned dashboard. This provides at-a-glance metrics such as Number of Athletes, Today's Classes, Last 30 days payments, In building, etc.

Fixed at-risk and overview report
Added short descriptions and allowed entry to membership plans

Allow coaches to duplicate sessions to specific weeks
Generalise data to allow running on postgres from mysql import
Fix overview report

Added a daily view.
Fixed Dashboard report.

November 2021

Base System
Update base system to support Multi-Tenancy (version 3.5). This means we no longer need to manually deploy systems for individual customers and can automate the whole process. Lots of security improvements and a massive refactoring to clear a path for version 4 (remove CMS reliance) bundled alongside.

Remove body fat % as a required field. Remove it entirely from athlete display and add as an optional field for coaches. Automatically calculate these fields from now on.
Remove food hours, cheat meals, alcohol units as they were rarely used and were often cited as a reason for athletes not completing the nutrition form (due to complexity).
Merge snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner inputs in to a single list. It's only for coaches to monitor and doesn't affect the calculations.
Add daily +/- tracking of diet report
Add macronutrient tracking and automatic consumption calculation.
Macronutrient system available for advanced payment levels as an additional sales tool.
Merge Complex StrCon, PowCon, MetCon, MobCon definitions in to single Conditioning definition. This means less information to input in to a complex to calculate workload and volume.

October 2021

Update Stripe libraries.
Fix API middleware (CORS and throttling).
Ban user on payment failure rather than outright deleting them.
Fix trial period.
Fix cancelling payment plan if an athlete is banned

Add coach notes for complexes and exercises as well as athlete notes.
Add duplicate exercise session to specific week function.
Make videos in to a slideshow.
Add athlete title for complexes (allows coaches to use coded titles for identification).

Fix products API route

September 2021

Fix past notes not displaying correctly.
Fix ambiguous "Duplicate" function for exercise sesssions.
Move RPE from a per-complex to a per-complex-per-exercise-session-per-user definition
Fix some issues with group sessions

August 2021

Fix Athlete training data access (previously too permissive so non-assigned coaches could see too much data).
Add meal image, portion sizes, editable diet/cuisine, multiselect diet/cuisine
Fix listing simple ingredient list

July 2021

Remove unnecessary complex volume
Fix timezone issues
Optimisation of performance data retrieval for athletes with more than 1,000 completed exercise sessions.

June 2021

Base System and all plugins
Complete migration to latest language framework version. Slow progress on updates caused by framework migration will now be replaced by slow progress due to version 3.5 build :)

May 2021

Add mealplan system. This allows coaches to build day-by-day, week-by-week mealplans for specific (or groups of) athletes. Includes full macronutrient breakdown of individual meals, step-by-step cooking/prep instructions, diet/cuisine options, and a full athlete accessible search function for specific items.

April 2021

Venue App
Complete app for venues. This allows customers to use a tablet to scan for a barcode/qrcode and allow entry. Also supports per-entry payments via sumup card reader. Is also available as a regular desktop app but requires a webcam and window focus so we'll probably go back in time and rebuild our turnstile interface software on SBC instead rather than use this.

March 2021

Complete conversion to JWT authentication.

Add athlete and group filters for easier searching.
Add group archiving system.
Complete entry system (query active athlete for entry hours, payment required, etc).
Add fire safety in-building reports

February 2021

Base System and all plugins
Convert all API routes to use JWT

Add calendar overview.
Fix body fat records and intake calculation.

January 2021

Base System and all plugins
Complete migration to version 3. Begin roadmap for 3.5 (multitenancy).